
Last Updated on 26 January 2021.

The VenkatRamaCalendar (com.venkatramacalendar.app) app provides all information AS IS and does not guarantee the correctness, completeness or accuracy of the astrological information provided in this app.

I have made all possible attemps within our capacity to make sure the data is accurate. However, there is always a possibility of miscalculations of the astrological data provided in the app. All the information in the app is provided AS IS with out any guarentee of correctness, completeness or accuracy of the data. The users are advised to consult a professional astrologer and do not depend on the data provided in this app alone. In no event shall we be held responsible or liable for any damages of any kind related to the use of information provided in this app.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact me at the following email address: app@venkatramacalendar.com